Review Of How Much Are Excursions On Carnival Cruises 2023

What You Need To Know Before You Embark On Your First Carnival Cruise
What You Need To Know Before You Embark On Your First Carnival Cruise from

Are you planning a cruise with Carnival Cruises and wondering about the cost of excursions? Excursions can be one of the most exciting parts of a cruise, but they can also add up quickly. In this article, we'll explore how much excursions on Carnival Cruises typically cost and provide some tips on how to save money while still having an amazing experience.

The Cost of Excursions on Carnival Cruises

When it comes to excursions on Carnival Cruises, the cost can vary depending on the destination, the length of the excursion, and the activities included. On average, excursions can range from $50 to $200 per person. Some excursions may be more expensive, especially if they involve unique experiences or private tours.

It's important to note that the price of excursions is not included in the cost of your cruise. Excursions are considered an additional expense and can be booked separately either before your trip or once you're on board. Carnival Cruises offers a variety of excursions to choose from, ranging from relaxing beach days to adrenaline-pumping adventures.

If you're on a budget, there are also more affordable excursions available. These may include city tours, cultural experiences, or self-guided activities. By doing some research and planning ahead, you can find excursions that fit your budget while still allowing you to explore and have fun.

Tips for Saving Money on Excursions

While excursions can be a great way to enhance your cruise experience, they can also add up quickly. Here are some tips to help you save money on excursions:

  1. Research and compare prices: Before booking an excursion, take the time to research and compare prices from different tour operators. Sometimes, booking directly with a local operator can be cheaper than booking through the cruise line.
  2. Book in advance: Many cruise lines, including Carnival, offer discounts for booking excursions in advance. Take advantage of these early booking discounts to save money.
  3. Consider group tours: Group tours are often more affordable than private tours. Look for excursions that offer group discounts or consider joining a group tour to save money.
  4. Explore on your own: In some ports of call, it may be possible to explore on your own without booking a guided excursion. Do some research and see if there are any nearby attractions or activities that you can visit independently.


Excursions on Carnival Cruises can be a memorable and enjoyable part of your cruise experience. While the cost of excursions can vary, there are options available for every budget. By doing some research, comparing prices, and taking advantage of early booking discounts, you can save money while still having an amazing time exploring your ports of call.

What Are Excursions on Carnival Cruises?

Excursions on Carnival Cruises are organized tours and activities that take place during your time in port. These excursions allow you to explore the destinations you visit and experience a wide range of activities and attractions. From snorkeling in crystal-clear waters to exploring ancient ruins, there is an excursion for every interest and adventure level.

When you book an excursion with Carnival Cruises, you can rest assured that you'll be in good hands. Carnival works with trusted tour operators to provide a wide range of options, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether you prefer a relaxing day at the beach or an adrenaline-pumping adventure, Carnival has you covered.

The History and Myth of Excursions on Carnival Cruises

The concept of excursions on cruise ships has been around for decades. In the early days of cruising, excursions were often limited to city tours or visits to nearby attractions. However, as cruising has evolved, so have the excursions offered.

Today, excursions on Carnival Cruises can take you to some of the most remote and breathtaking destinations in the world. From hiking through lush rainforests to swimming with dolphins, the possibilities are endless. These excursions allow you to immerse yourself in the culture, history, and natural beauty of each port of call.

The Hidden Secrets of Excursions on Carnival Cruises

While excursions on Carnival Cruises are a popular activity for many passengers, there are some hidden secrets that not everyone knows about. One of these secrets is that you can often find cheaper alternatives to the official excursions offered by the cruise line.

In some ports of call, local tour operators offer similar excursions at a fraction of the cost. By doing some research and reaching out to local operators, you may be able to find a more affordable option that still provides an amazing experience. Just make sure to read reviews and check the operator's reputation before booking.

Recommendations for Excursions on Carnival Cruises

With so many excursions to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to book. Here are some recommendations for excursions on Carnival Cruises:

  1. Snorkeling in the Caribbean: The Caribbean is known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life. Book a snorkeling excursion and explore the underwater world.
  2. Zip-lining in Alaska: If you're cruising to Alaska, don't miss the opportunity to soar through the treetops on a zip-lining adventure. The breathtaking views are worth it!
  3. Wine tasting in Europe: If your cruise takes you to Europe, consider booking a wine tasting excursion. Sample local wines and learn about the region's winemaking traditions.
  4. Explore ancient ruins in Mexico: Mexico is home to some of the most impressive ancient ruins in the world. Book an excursion to sites like Chichen Itza or Tulum and step back in time.

Excursions on Carnival Cruises: What You Need to Know

When booking excursions on Carnival Cruises, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Check the duration: Make sure to check the duration of the excursion before booking. Some excursions may be longer or shorter than others, so choose one that fits your schedule.
  • Read reviews: Before booking an excursion, take the time to read reviews from other passengers. This will give you a better idea of what to expect and help you make an informed decision.
  • Pack accordingly: Depending on the type of excursion, you may need to pack certain items. For example, if you're going snorkeling, make sure to bring a swimsuit and towel.
  • Be on time: Excursions typically have a set departure time, so make sure to be at the designated meeting point on time. You don't want to miss out on your adventure!

Fun Facts about Excursions on Carnival Cruises

Did you know that Carnival Cruises offers over 1,000 different excursions across their various cruise itineraries? That's a lot of options to choose from! Whether you're a thrill-seeker, a history buff, or someone who just wants to relax on a beautiful beach, there is an excursion for you.

Another fun fact is that Carnival Cruises partners with local communities and organizations in the destinations they visit. This ensures that the excursions they offer are not only enjoyable for passengers but also beneficial to the local economy and environment.

How to Book Excursions on Carnival Cruises

Booking excursions on Carnival Cruises is easy. You can either book online before your trip or visit the shore excursion desk once you're on board. If you choose to book in advance, you'll have access to a wider range of options and can take advantage of early booking discounts.

To book online, simply visit the Carnival Cruises website and navigate to the shore excursions section. From there, you can browse the available options, read descriptions and reviews, and book directly through the website. Make sure to have your cruise booking information handy when booking online.

What If I Don't Want to Book an Excursion?

If you prefer not to book an excursion, there are still plenty of things to do and see during your time in port. Many ports of call offer shopping opportunities, local markets, and beautiful beaches within walking distance of the cruise terminal. You can also explore the port city on your own, visit local attractions, or simply relax on the ship and enjoy the onboard amenities.

Keep in mind that some ports may require a visa or other travel documents if you plan on exploring on your own. Make sure to check the entry requirements of each destination before disembarking.

Listicle: Top 5 Excursions on Carnival Cruises

  1. Swimming with dolphins in Cozumel, Mexico
  2. Helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon
  3. Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef
  4. Exploring the ancient ruins of Rome, Italy
  5. Zip-lining through the rainforest in Costa Rica

Question and Answer

Q: Are excursions on Carnival Cruises worth the cost?

A: The value of excursions on Carnival Cruises depends on your personal preferences and interests. If you enjoy guided tours, unique experiences, and the convenience of having everything


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